Edge 2 edge designs (E2E) are used to give an allover pattern on a quilt, literally from edge to edge.  They ignore the block structure of a quilt and are used for decorative purposes and to give great texture.  There are literally 100s of E2E designs that you could choose from but, in order to make things a little easier, I have made up a booklet of popular designs.

You can see this by clicking on the link below:

E2E Customer Booket No 1

Some of the designs in this booklet can be seen stitched out below.  If there is something that you would like that you cannot see in the booklet then please do get in touch and I am sure we will be able to find something suitable to complement your quilt.

 Water Meander
Trillium Leaf                      Tiger Tooth

Circle Meander
Capri Feather                                 Baptist Fan

String Pearls
Stipple 2                               Star Edge to Edge

Leaves Alternating
Lazy Curl Sash                          Heatwave

Heart in Heart
 Element                               Clover E2E

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