Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Top Tip Tuesday

I have often thought about making a note of tips that help me with my sewing but often think everyone knows them all.  However, I know that's not the case so I have decided to start a Top Tip Tuesday over here on the blog.  Hopefully you might learn something you didn't already know and it might help you as it helped me when I learnt them.  I am also very happy to hear your Top Tips too!

Today's Top Tip is about a little tool .... this one is by Clover and is called a Soft Touch Thread Pic.

I was sorting through some samples last week and noticed a dark thread quilted under the fabric ....

If you work with low volume fabric then you'll know that this happens no matter how careful you have been with trimming threads and checking whilst basting your quilt.  This tool is like a tiny crochet hook that you can insert between the strands of fabric .....

then you carefully wiggle it about under there until you have snagged the thread ....

and slowly bring it up back through the hole you went down ....

and there it is!

I have to say there's something very satisfying about doing this!!

What little tool or gadget do you use that makes your quilting/sewing life easier?


  1. Been sewing for years and never heard of this tool. Thanks for the great tip!

  2. I haven't heard of this tool either.

  3. Very satisfying. I do it for other things like pushing thread in that has looped/knotted when binding. I do a tips/tutorials on the 22 through the end of each month and would love to have you link some of your Tip Tops up!

  4. The thread pic is such a fabulous tool; great visual demonstration!

  5. I have never heard of this! I had a dark thread under white just yesterday. Will be checking this out! Thanks!


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