Thursday 28 August 2014

What a day ...

Yesterday we had a brilliant day!

I have been very busy the last month trying to start on on-line business so my time has been pretty precious.  How can it be that you want to start something that is all about making things and end up not making much but spending LOTS of time on your computer?

Anyway, yesterday we went over to my Mum's for breakfast with some friends who are visiting from Canada.  Breakfast was delicious - fruits salad, homemade granola, pastries and true Canadian Maple Syrup.  Did you know it takes 40 litres of sap to make 1 litre of maple syrup?  Now I understand the price.  They had also bought over maple butter which I haven't tried yet but will look forward to next time I am at my Mum's.

Then it was off to Packwood House.  It's a regular haunt of our but we hadn't been this summer yet and I really want to the house in the woods I friend told me about.  They have some follies in the grounds which were amazing to look at.

The girls had great fun figuring about what parts of the pieces of furniture were used.

I was using a digital SLR for the first time.  My nephew has lent me his and I had so much fun - 200+ photos is a testament to that!  I have a manual SLR which I was really enjoying using before Miss M was born (nearly 10 years ago now) but have since just used a compact digital camera.  Oh it was so lovely to look through a viewfinder again and to have sports and macro modes.  I won't put up all 200+ but here's a few ....


They both raced up to the lake edge and couldn't wait to feel it.  "It's kind of like a beach.  I just want to go swimming in it!"  Water and the coast is certainly something that has been missing in our lives since we returned to the UK.

I got beautiful shots of Miss C dancing wildly on the lake shore but, unfortunately, I was not allowed to use them.  I was, however, given permission to use the one of the back of her head!

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