Monday 9 May 2016

Am I a brave quilter?

I am going to be this month!  I have just read about the linky party that Julie at Pink Doxies hosts and I think I can do it.  In a nutshell, you just have to have one goal a month stating that you are going to try working on something that is challenging you.
Mine came to me straight away and my goal is this:
I would like to try curved piecing. I'm participating in the Pink Doxies new link up, #BraveQuilter. As part of the link party for May, my goal is to try making a block using curved piecing, with my Quick Curve Ruler (which has been sat there for quite a few months now .....).
So there it is ..... no photos, not many words but a goal has been set!

But I do have some totally unrelated photos which are rather adorable and I thought you might like to see ....

A few days old ducklings heading out for the first and having their first bath - if we had land and a pond they would all have come home with me!

I also made my 2nd purchase for my May is for Makers pledge.  Last week I saw the Summer Sampler 2016 in my instagram feed and headed straight over to Freshly Pieced to see what it was all about. 

I have never been involved in a QAL before so I thought it was perfect for my purchase this week.  If you haven't heard about May is for Makers yet pop over to my post last week or click on the button on the right.  It's going to be fun making lots of new things once the show quilts are out of the way delivered!


  1. A good tip for curved piecing is to keep your stitch length low. That makes it easier to sew a nice, smooth curve. I also have a quick curve ruler that's been sitting around for longer than I care to admit! :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Sarah and the stitch length tip. Maybe we should set a challenge between us to get the QCR earning its keep?!

    2. I'm up for a challenge! :)

  2. Curved piecing, I think that is a wonderful thing to give a go. I'll be interested to hear more about your ruler as well. And those ducks, so cute, sooo fluffy :)

  3. I'm afraid I also have a quick curve ruler unused so far but do have plans to use it this week so I will join the challenge! I love the look of curved piecing and I've found the curve master foot a great help to get curves without pins. Can't bear using pins! Too lazy and I'm always pricking myself! I saw it demoed at FoQ and it's a clever design. It's available n the UK and on massdrop from time to time.

  4. I just adore those ducklings how cute are they!!!! I have a QCR sitting in a drawer since the middle of last year as well...

    1. Accidentally deleted your reply - let me know if you do some sort of challenge for this

  5. Ooh how cute are the ducklings. Gorgeous😀 I don't have a fancy ruler lol but I might be tempted (wink) hugs Sue Beehive buddy xx

  6. I am so not a brave quilter. My default is to do something simple that I can execute well and really enjoy the process.

  7. Your photos take me back: we had Muscovy ducks living on our lawn for a year or two and their ducklings were very cute. Good luck with your curves. :-)

  8. I'm doing Brave Quilter too! If I don't get it done in time I might just employ your technique of cute distractions. Hmmmm. I don't have any ducklings but I have a cat so cute photos of Lucy will have to do if I fall behind!


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