Tuesday 6 March 2018

Building Community :: UKQU post on Instagram

I recently wrote a piece for the new UK Quilters United website about Instagram - if you fancy a read then head over here.

Of course I couldn't visit this somewhat ignored blog without leaving a few pictures behind, so here goes.  These items were made as part of the #sendalittleloveswap2018 organised by @madaboutbags over on IG.

This was also an item on my 2018FAL Q1 list - although the colours changed somewhat when I came to make it!!

It is also the only finish from that list so far this quarter!

I loved improv piecing the low volume background for the hearts to sit on.

And because crochet is my second love the extra was crocheted heart bunting.

I do have some other finishes soooo close.  In fact I think there may be another Week of Finishes quite soon!


  1. I love all these heart projects. I especially love the crochet hearts... my husband wouldn’t love it so it would live in my study. They are just so sweet on the mantle.

  2. I hope you’ll blog more often! I like what I see.


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I am so pleased to announce that my new website has been launched.  It's taken me some time to build and it's not all finished yet b...