Wednesday 18 April 2018

What the Judges said ....... Pt 1

Last year I joined in with the wonderful Sewcial Bee Sampler SAL hosted by Maureen Cracknell and Sharon Holland.  

Whilst I was making this quilt, with a limited palette of Kona solids, I did quite a bit of unpicking! The solid fabrics were rather unforgiving when points didn't line up so I came up with a new practice - if required, I would unpick twice and the third time, whether perfect or not, the seam would stay.


I think limiting myself two only unpicking twice saved my sanity!

I entered Wasabi on the Side into the British Quilt and Stitch Village show last weekend and was pleased to read the Judges' comments. It was obviously worth the time to unpick when needed because both Judges gave me an EXCELLENT for 'Quality of Construction - Piecing' along with EXCELLENTS for 'Quality of Execution' and 'Borders, Edge Treatment, Finishing and Hanging'.

I love the texture the matchstick quilting gives this quilt and remember how I was surprised at how long it took to quilt!


  1. Wow, what a neat quilt! I would never have put those fabrics together but I really like it! Nice work:)

  2. A gorgeous quilt and well deserved comments from the judges.

  3. Wow, totally stunning! I love the color combination. Say, did you quilt matchstick on your longarm?

  4. It is awesome! Your points look quite perfect to me. Very nicely done and congratulations on the "excellent" reviews!

  5. Beautiful quilt! That's my rule too - try to fix it twice, if it is still wrong after that, it is meant to be.

  6. Perfect in every way! Congrats on such a beautiful quilt!

  7. Taking the time to work on precision piecing clearly paid of. Well done!

  8. What a beautiful quilt. I like your new practice thought. While I like points to match perfectly, sometimes I just have to give it up and hope there's enough movement in the quilt that no one will notice.

  9. What a great quilt! I love the colors and all of the different blocks.

  10. I also follow the rule unpick twice and just leave after the third. I like the limited palette and I find solids unforgiving as well.

  11. You are more patient than I am. I'll unpick once and restitch. If that doesn't fix it, I rely on the galloping horse rule. Your quilt is gorgeous and the quilting is amazing.


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