Thursday 17 January 2019

Sewing in Company :: Oxfordshire Modern Quilt Guild

In my last post I mentioned that I hadn’t sewn for almost 3 months. That was broken last Saturday when I attended the Oxfordshire Modern Quilt Guild monthly sewing day. I have been a member since the inaugural meeting but have been a somewhat absent figure these past twelve months. Oh my, what a difference a day of sewing makes ......

In fact my husband did point out when I got home that I was happier than I had been for quite some time!!! No shame in admitting that - I know you can relate. It was a wonderful day filled with sewing of course, but also so much more. The chats - about quilting but just as regularly about families and life in general, the laughter - so much of that and, to top it all, the feeling of creating. 

Having always preferred the company of boys when I was growing up, it was a revelation when pregnant to seek the company, support and friendship from women. That’s how it felt again on Saturday.  A far cry from ante natal and post natal groups but the coming of the teenage years has been the hardest transition in or family and so to chat, to laugh and to remember that "it is just a phase” was just what I needed!!

The next few months dates are in my diary IN PEN and, bar serious illness or injury, I will be there sewing up a storm and reinforcing those face to face connections which are so valuable.  Do you sew in a group?  I would love to hear what you like most about it.

My sewing project for the day was Tumbling Spools.  I have to say I am really smitten with this little block and as soon as I got home I cut out another set of spools but with a white background.  I haven't got back to them since then but I can't wait to get both sets sewn up and quilted. I hae never made two version of a quilt at the same time but I really couldn't decided between the dark and light background.  I also have a lot of quilting ideas for this and thought that making two would be a great way showcase different quilting styles on the same quilt.

Pattern by Jo at The Crafty Nomad

The #tumblingspoolsqal is coming into its second week but you could easily catch up if you want to join in.


  1. I am incredibly fortunate, and do sew in a group. Once a month, we gather in a brilliant village hall, and sit and chat and sew and giggle and just have the most lovely time. We’re very fortunate that we have a wonderful cafe upstairs, and we usually have someone bring a baked goody for afternoon tea. I think it’s the companionship with like-minded people with a common interest that makes it such a brilliant thing to do and be a part of. Glad you have something similar where you are:)

  2. I am very glad to hear that you have such a lovely, supportive group! I currently sew solo and savor the moments when I am able to be around other quilters. :)

  3. Wonderful to see your sewing time reappear and to see you feeling inspired. I love my weekend sew with our guild group and wish I could do it more. Glad you have a few dates lined up.

  4. I'm so glad you got to spend some time sewing! I'm not surprised that your husband noticed you seemed happier. I definitely get the blues when I can't sew for a while. You are lucky to have found a group to sew with, too. I don't have a group right now. I had a monthly informal crafting group with 2 girlfriends, we went strong for 5 years then two of us had babies and now we don't get together for crafts. It was always a fun time.

  5. Glad you've gotten setteled in a new spot and have been able to get back to stitching. When we moved last, we were between houses for a month, living in a hotel. I really missed my sewing machine. Love your spool blocks. Hopefully things are starting to line out and you can get back to creating most days.

  6. So glad you were able to spend some quality time sewing. And I am just in love with those spools! I had my guild make spools for a block lotto we did (they weren't paper pieced though). Of course, I didn't win them but I want to make them again, probably for Stash Bee this year.


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