Friday 8 February 2019

Modern Quilts Designs of the New Century :: A Book Review

I have waited a long time to see this book but it was definitely worth the wait ....

Modern Quilt Designs of the New Century was compiled by Riane Menardi, Alissa Haight Carlton and Heather Grant, who are all on the board of the Modern Quilt Guild.

The book looks at the development of modern quilting and is split into 6 sections - from Early Influencers of Modern Quilting: Before 2009 through to The Birth of the MQG: 2009 and onto The Movement Becomes Mainstream.

There are over 200 quilts in the book and all are made by MQG members.  They have been beautifully photographed so that you can really see the detail in them.

What was truly wonderful for me was to see the work of people I know in here.  When I returned to quilting in 2014/2015 I found the American quilting bloggers to be a wonderful source of inspiration and encouragement.  Having been in various groups and Bees over the years with some of them it is great to see their work featured in such a book.  It was also a lovely surprise to see the work of Lou Orth in here who is the co-founder of the Oxfordshire Modern Quilt Guild which I am a member of.

And of course lots of people who I have never heard of but have now looked into!

There are lots of inspiring quilts in the book by people that I truly admire and would love to meet one day.  QuiltCon 2020 anyone?

This book is published by Stash Books, an imprint of C&T Publishing and was released in early 2018.  I would definitely recommend anyone who has an interest in Modern Quilts to get a copy!


  1. The are definitely some quilts with lots of "wow" factor in the book!

  2. I need to flip back trough for some inspiration on these gloomy winter days. Abigail, thank you for sharing my Cursive quilt!

  3. There are some gorgeous quilts in this, I have been thinking of treating myself, but as yet haven't


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