Tuesday 9 July 2019

Red Manor House Block of the Month :: Pattern Tester

So much has been going on in our lives and I have severely neglected this blog.  But why?  I really enjoy writing and I really enjoy looking back at past posts.  I plan to remedy this and in fact two things have just happened which have motivated me to get blogging again.  But more on that later ....

Rather than try to fit everything into one BIG post I am going to do little and often ... hmm let's see how that goes shall we?!

The first thing I have to share is that earlier in the year I was asked to be a pattern tested for The Quilters' Guild first Block of the Month.  The Red Manor House BOM has been designed by Jenni Smith and Kay Walsh and is based on the vintage coverlet the Guild owns of the same name.

The block I tested doesn't come out until 8 months into the BOM, but I can share my version of it with you now.

The petals were from a fat 1/8th pack from Sugar Bowl Crafts and the background is Kona
The BOM is to be launched at Festival of Quilts on Thursday 01 August at 11.30am on the Guild stand.  I hope to be able to pop over there for that and meet the designer and other pattern testers - I have been in great company for this testing!!  If you fancy seeing what other testers ahve made head over here.

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