Tuesday 6 August 2019

Inspiring Improv :: A Book Review

Well it was definitely worth the wait to get a copy of Nick Ball's book Inspiring Improv.  This is Nick's first book and was published by Lucky Spool Media and released in April 2019.  It is available from Search Press in the UK - head on over here if you feel so inspired!

I first met Nick whilst waiting to collect quilts at Festival of Quilts several years ago - it happened we were the only two waiting ..... we quickly realised we were in the wrong place! 

What can I say - I love this book!  I like the style it is written in - it is full of information but not dogmatic, which is the way I like to teach. 

There are three parts: Planning, Practice and Progress.  Each part is broken down into sections covering such topics as inspirations, tools, techniques, binding.  The Progress part contains twelve projects where Nick has talked about inspiration, fabric and quilting for each project.  As I turned the pages I would think "Oh this is my favourite"  before seeing the next one and thinking "No, this IS my favourite".

The section on techniques is very informative and can be followed as is or as a jumping off point for you to head in a totally different direction.

There is some great information in this book and it will really encourage you to have a go at Improv Quilting.  Sadly, due to an injury, I am not in my studio at all, otherwise I would have raced straight in there to get cutting and sewing.


To see other people's take on Inspiring Improv head over here.  Nick recently ran an Inspiring Improv IG Tour and there's some lovely projects going on.

Liberated Log Cabin
I really am on a journey into improv and the many books on this topic, including this latest addition, on my shelf can testify to this!  I definitely view them as resources and inspiration which I will delve into frequently over the coming years.

Nick can be seen at many quilt shows around the country demonstrating on the Bernina Q24 longarm machine and over on IG @quiltsfromtheattic.

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