Tuesday 18 February 2020

Stop Press - News Day!

Wow I have managed to post again with some news, just as I planned, which, for me, is a big achievement!

So what's news this week? Well this is a little late in coming but is no less exciting for me, or other longarm owners who have a computerised system.  Back in January Handi Quilter launched Pro-Stitcher Designer which I have to say really does make me excited and I am not someone who even really like computers!!

Pro-Stitcher has, until now, used Art and Stitch as the digitising software if you wanted to design your own quilting patterns.  I upgraded my machine in August to an Amara with Pro-Stitcher and I had Art and Stitch included.  However, I made a conscious decision not to try to learn that aswell as learning everything about Pro-Stitcher and I had earmarked this New Year to start my digitising design journey.  But then Pro-Stitcher Designer was launched and, once I received my Educator version, I  had to give it a go, didn't I?!

I found the package to be very user friendly and intuitive and not more than 10 minutes later I had a design and a stitch out!!  In my haste to stitch out I just threw a scrap of fabric on top of my other practice piece!

This is a design I could do using rulers but I just love the precision that Pro-Stitcher can achieve and have lots of line quilting running around my head now.

Then for some wavy lines ....

I am going to really enjoy playing with thread build up in some of these patterns.  Handi Quilter recently released a new update to Pro-Stitcher which includes the ability to be able to have Designer installed on the PS tablet and so go between the two packages whilst at your machine - it's going to be so great to use it this way if just a little tweak is required.  Update can be found here - PS Software Update - Beta.

Just to note that this has not yet been released in the UK but when it is it will be available from Pinhole Quilting, date TBC!

*** STOP PRESS ***

Dates have just been released for 2 days of Pro-Stitcher Training, which I am delighted to be teaching, at Pinhole Quilting 
in June 2020.
For further details head on over to the listing ....


  1. I am so excited to learn this! My prostitcher was installled in October and I finally did a tablerunner where I cropped the design. The really good news in the first weekend in March there is a 3 day retreat I am attending and will lean a ton more about it...can I say excited. Right now I need to get my laptop ready for it, but that will not come until after QuiltCon....but not too long after.

    1. And, I forgot to say how much I love what you did!


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I am so pleased to announce that my new website has been launched.  It's taken me some time to build and it's not all finished yet b...