Saturday 1 August 2020

Festival of Quilts Celebration Giveaway :: Quilts from the Attic

And here's something that hasn't been up for grabs yet in the #cutandalterfoqgiveaway ....


Nick, from Quilts from the Atttic, was the first male quilter I ever met.  We were waiting to collect quilts at the end of FoQ one year and when he mentioned which quilt was his I knew which one it was instantly .... out of all the quilts that I had seen!  (It was his Warholian Cabbage in case you were wondering!)  He has a signature style of quilts and is passionate about sharing his love of making quilts and quilting.  Ordinarily you can find him teaching at various shops and groups around the UK but at the moment he has teamed up with Crafty Monkies and is teaching via zoom.  His first class next week is sold out but be sure to follow him to hear of any forthcoming dates. 

Giveaway Prize:  Inspiring Improv Book by Nicholas Ball

Apologies to overseas readers but due to postage costs this prize is limited to UK addresses only

Conditions of Entry:

To enter this giveaway you need to go to Instagram or Facebook on the links below.

Good Luck!!

Where you can find Quilts from the Attic

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