Wednesday 26 August 2015

And the rainbow continues (as does the rain in our part of the world) ....

The majority of my week has been taken up with my current quilt, Straight Line Bow.  It had another cut put through it and geese inserted, which you can see here.  It made it onto the frame at the weekend which was a momentous occasion!

The quilting for this quilt has changed numerous times.  Whilst I am getting used to the machine and all the different threads sometimes I have to accept my limitations and go for something that I can actually do to an acceptable standard, as opposed to the stunning vision in my head!!

It would be kind of fun to revisit a quilt like this further down the line when my skills have improved and see what my initial design might look like on it.

Actually I probably won't be doing that.  Whilst I have enjoyed working on the quilt I want it finished NOW.  I usually take my time making quilts and they can quite often sit on the shelf for months whilst I work on something else.  I like change and quite often get bored doing the same thing day in and day out.

However, I have a deadline looming ever closer so I have had to get on with it.  In some ways this has been a good thing to happen - it will never end up a WIP on the shelf or UFO, I won't forget what I was going to do with it and it has taught me a great deal very quickly.  I have learnt more about the machine in a very short time which will hopefully make upcoming quilts easier and quicker to do.

Straight lines in the borders, which have taken far longer than I thought they would!

Just got the orange and red columns and side border to do.  Today I think ...... it will be coming off the frame today! x

Linking up with Let's Bee Social over at Sew Fresh Designs and WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced today.


  1. It already look gorgeous. I love the rainbow colors.

    ~~ ~~

    1. Thanks Julia - lovely to read your comment.

  2. It looks fantastic! Isn't it amazing how 'just straight lines' takes up so much time?? It amazes me every time I do it! Your pebbles look really good!

    1. Next time I do straight lines I am going to eyeball it and just go from side to side!! I think the pebbles got better the more I did - surprisingly hard initially.

  3. Looking good! I also get bored and work on several different projects at once. The ones I like least are the ones with deadlines. :)

    1. Glad it's not just me who like to 'multi task'!

  4. I am so glad this did not end up on a shelf... I have enjoyed seeing your progress on this rainbow quilt. Each step and each decision,.... Leading up to the most beautiful finish. Your quilting is gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Lorna. Just some ends to bury now and then the binding ......

  5. I don't know what your original quilting plan was like, but what you have done is looking good.

    1. Thanks for popping by and commenting Kaja.

  6. Visiting from Let's Bee Social. Your quilt and quilting are beautiful!

    1. Thanks for visiting Colleen - and for your lovely comments! Just about to head over to yours .....

  7. It looks great, I love your quilting! Kat @

  8. It looks great, I love your quilting! Kat @

  9. I love your quilting and how you're matching the thread to the piecing. Thanks for sharing your progress!

    1. Thanks Lorinda. The different coloured thread has actually been harder than I thought .... even though all the same make different colours are acting differently ..... now why is that?!!

  10. I like your quilting very much. Especially on the yellow background. Looking forward to see the finished quilt!

    1. Thank you for your comments - and for stopping by!

  11. Wow, talk about a fast come-together quilt!?! I labor over the simplest of quilts for months or years (and that's just for the quilt top), and this has come together and is almost quilted!?! Leaves a little room for improvement in the speed department for me. I love the flying geese addition, and even though it's been quick, it's been fun to see this come together.

    1. It was pretty quick in the end. I put the last stitch in the binding on Thursday so it was started and completed in under 3 weeks - but it seemed like much longer to me ..... funny how that works.


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