Tuesday 1 March 2016

February round up .....

Sewing wise it sometime feels like I am not getting much done and there were no big finishes in February.  But when I looked through my photos from February there was lots being made, including Bee blocks, two Secret Valentine's mini quilts,  here and here, a completed Rainbow Mini quilt (don't forget there is a giveaway running at the end of this post) and I even started some new projects.  I got my scraps under control and have slowly been working on a couple of projects using them - a vortex scrap project and quarter log cabin scraps blocks.

With regard to Project Linus 5 finished quilts were donated, along with lots of hearts and materials ....

and these two tops were put together by a group of Home Ed children.

On the Home Ed front there was ....

A bake off ....

which was delicious!

Lots of art and creativity ....

Den making when it was cold, wet and windy outside ....

Visits to Worcester Cathedral, Greyfriar's House and Charlecote plus Oceania; A Christmas Carol; ice skating; lots of reading and lots of playing!

There was great variety in my reading this month - recommendations from friends, daughters and blog posts and some just because they happened to be on my shelf!!


So March is here, usually associated with the ground warming up and plants springing forth.  Well the first daffodil I spotted this year was on New Year's Day, a lot of the blossom is all ready falling from the trees and I have even seen tulips breaking through the soil.  We have lots planned this month on all fronts so it will certainly be a busy one. x

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