Tuesday 2 December 2014

Day 1 - Creative Handmade Christmas

Whoops already a day late with my self-imposed posts ......

I have decided to record our run up to Christmas this year with a post a day.  We create a lot in our house and I thought it would be lovely to have a visual reminder of all those things.

The first three cards were made by Maia:

Following on with two made by Cassia:

I love the fact that on the back they wrote 'Card - made by Maia/Cassia'!

And me?  Well I did some baking, with the able assistance of my two little helpers - Christmas Cookies.  The recipe was from a free magazine I picked up from M&S.  It uses one of their blend of spices - which is absolutely delicious.  It contains cinnamon, ginger, juniper berries, nutmeg, black pepper and clementine oil in a sugar base.  It was Christmas in a jar!

The result?  The recipe included dried fruits and said to cut using cookie cutters but I found that hard because the fruit didn't cut neatly so our stars are somewhat messy.  Messy they may be and a little overcooked (my oven seems to be running hot somewhat) but they taste wonderful.  First of many recipes to be tried this year.  We are on the hunt for the ultimate gingerbread/spice cookie recipe!

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