Friday 9 October 2015

Finish it up Friday .....

I have a BIG finish this week but ....... I can't show it to you yet!  It's a quilt for my daughter's birthday next week .... but even then I can't show it to you ......  It was made to be part of Lorna's Dog Gone Cute Blog Hop and my day on the Blog Hop isn't until 29 October.  How am I going to wait?  I am literally bursting to show people because I LOVE it!!!  Here's a peek ......

There's another small finish aswell .....  My daughters went to a Home Ed Circus Skills workshop recently and fell in love with juggling.  The next morning my youngest and I were at the machine making up some jugglings bags.  'Mum they were like bean bags but like a pyramid' I was told.  I picked some fabric from my fabric-I-don't-like box to practice on.  Well it worked straight away and my daughter did like the fabric - 'It's the colours of the circus'!!  Three were made in quick succession and I then decided to make four more and a bag to keep them in.  This is going to be another birthday present for her next week.
A simple drawstring bag to encourage her to put the bags back it in and hang it up ..... Let's see if that works!  The casing was some grosgrain ribbon I had to hand (not quite the right colour but it works) and the string was an old shoe lace - got to love recycling.

I linked up to the next quarter Finish Along over at On the Windy Side yesterday and this is No 1 of 20 completed - hurray!!  What is it about publicly stating your intentions that motivates you?  My full, rather long, list can be found here.
Linking up to Amanda Jean's Finish it up Friday over at Crazy Mom Quilts.


  1. Your peak at dog project is looking good!

  2. Your pups quilt looks like it is going to be so cute! Looking forward to seeing it. Great job on the juggling bags.

  3. Looking forward to seeing your dog quilt! Looks adorable! Good job on the bean bags. My kids loved these.


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I am so pleased to announce that my new website has been launched.  It's taken me some time to build and it's not all finished yet b...