Monday 2 May 2016

May is for Makers

You may, or may not, have noticed a new button on my side bar (eyes right take a quick squizz now!).  I saw this wonderful logo pop up on my instgram feed and decided to investigate further.  Head over to LR Stitched to read the full article.
May Is For Makers |
Reading the article really resonated with me, especially as I was in the throes of finalising my first pattern to get it out to the testers.  Up until a couple of weeks ago, I did not really have a clue about the time and energy it takes to design and write up a pattern.  In fact the design and making is the easy bit but getting it down onto paper, in a format that other people will understand and be able to follow - now that's hard!  I also may not have bought a pattern because I like to do my own things and don't want to have the same 'thing' as other people.  However, there are as many ways of making the same pattern different as there are different fabrics ... and that's a lot.
So I have decided to support indie designers and buy direct from them through May - whether it will be one a week or not remains to be seen but I started the month with a purchase. 
I saw a noodlehead bag over here whilst playing along with Let's Bee Social and realised it was about time to get a pattern from them.  All the reviews I have seen have been fantastic so I decided to dive straight in.  Sadly I won't be able to start it for a couple of weeks but by then I will also have all the supplies to hand.  My daughter has also spotted it and has put in an order!
Do you have any favourite patterns that you could recommend? x


  1. Hi just thought I'd drop by your blog. Looks like we are both in the New Bloggers blog hop. You can find me at Nice to meet you.

  2. I love Noodlehead patterns and have made many Open Wide Zippered Pouches and a SuperTote which I use everyday. Another favourite pattern of mine is The Necessary Clutch Wallet by Emmaline bags.

  3. Interesting link - thanks! I'm not a bag maker but I like the pattern you have chosen a lot.

  4. I have a noodlehead bag I am hoping to get to in the next few weeks! Can't wait to see how yours turns out.

  5. I recently purchased Yvonne's Red Herring pattern and Lorna's Urban Squirrel. Completely different types of patterns and I haven't started either yet.

  6. The bags are lovely, can't wait to see yours...This is me testing out my link hoping i've stopped being a no reply blogger


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I am so pleased to announce that my new website has been launched.  It's taken me some time to build and it's not all finished yet b...