Friday 3 June 2016

A bundle of quilts .....

Exactly what is the collective noun for quilts?!
I have now completed another few projects from my 2016 FAL list.  Shown below are several quilts which were made by a local Young Quilter and her teacher gave them to me at the beginning of the year for Project Linus.
With a little bit of judicious cutting and re-joining I was able to get useable slabs to make these quilts. (The one on the right was from a different child - more on that later.)
As you can see they are all different sizes and truly are patchworked.  But they are all acceptable for Project Linus and will hopefully shortly go to some child who can be comforted by a quilt.

For the sake of linking up these projects, at the end of the quarter, I am going to have to do a separate post showing each quilt - bear with me on that!

Linking up to Finish it up Friday today over at Crazy Mom Quilts.


  1. Congrats on all the finishes. They are bright and fun quilts.

  2. I looked it up and one website said a "hotbed of quilts" :)

  3. I like a hotbed of quilts. It's almost as good as a murder of crows but not quite.

  4. Cute quilts, such to bring some comfort to whoever gets one.

  5. A wonderful hotbed of quilts! ;) And such a fantastic cause!

  6. Hmmmm. A hotbed? Interesting. The first word that came to mind when I pondered your thoughtful question was "comfort". A comfort of quilts. Who gets to decide???

    In any case, I like these, and their collaborative nature. Well done, all!


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I am so pleased to announce that my new website has been launched.  It's taken me some time to build and it's not all finished yet b...