Sunday 3 April 2016

2016FAL - Quarter 1 in review!

At the start of the year I signed up again for the Finish Along Quarter 1.  It really motivates me to publicly announce my intentions and does help me tick some WIPs of my list .... of course others have been added to the list in the same time period!
So I started the year with 17 projects on my list and at the end of this first quarter I have finished 9, 1 is no longer required (hhharrumph!!!), 1 may be made for me at some stage in the future and 6 will be rolled over.  Over half done - not bad!

Finishes include:

1.  Project Linus Quilt 1, full post here

2.  Project Linus Quilt 2, full post here

3.  ATC card for swap by Very Berry Handmade, full post here

4.  Harry Potter cushion, full post here

5.  A bargello quilt for Project Linus, full post here

6.  A mini quilt for a Secret Valentine challenge, full post here

7.  A rainbow mini quilt for a swap, full post here

8.  Project Linus quilt 3, full post here

9.  An upcycled apron, full post here

The one item that is no longer required was a quilt for my daughter.  She had requested a black and white quilt and admittedly it was quite a while in the making. 
Well, not so much in the making - that really didn't take long using a jelly roll.  It was more actually starting it and then making the time to get it of the shelf at each stage.  She has now decided that she doesn't want a black and white room so it is sitting redundant on my shelf.  She was very apologetic about it and it took a lot for her to tell me but ultimately I would prefer to make something that she will love AND have  longevity!  I think we have that sorted now so no doubt that will go on this quarter's list and I better get to it early so she can't change her mind again! x


  1. You had a very productive first quarter. I understand the part about daughters and changing their minds. I made a purse for my daughter when she was in high school and she used it for one year and then put it in the donation pile. I rescued it and used it for a couple of years myself .

  2. Blimey, you have got loads done! I'm not sure daughters ever stop changing their minds. :-)

  3. What a busy bee... Such lovely work. Especially love the Harry Potter Sue xx


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