Friday 1 April 2016

Say "Cheese!"

I have really loved seeing various Polaroid blocks and quilts over on instagram and thought that the idea would work wonderfully for a cot quilt - enter Say "Cheese!"  Pretty corny quilt name but it works!

I don't have that many novelty prints so a very thorough search through all my fabrics resulted in 60 fussy cut 2 1/2" squares.  They were then bordered in Kona White to make the Polaroid blocks.

The chain piecing made these quick blocks to go together but ....... because it's an easy block I thought I could do it without thinking.  Well, I have never unpicked so much on one quilt.  Unpicking one seam is one thing, unpicking 12 or 24 because you have chain pieced them is quite another!

The border is Moda Grunge Basics in aqua green.  Again, this fabric line was something I have seen used in some lovely projects so was delighted when my (relatively) local quilt shop had the whole range.

All 60 blocks made, some playing with the layout and it was time to piece together.

And then there was the little matter of the Polaroid camera.  This is a paper pieced block and the pattern is by Quiet Play.  I have never paper pieced anything like this before, in truth I have only paper pieced twice before.

I had thought this would be a practice block that I might incorporate into the back and then make the 'proper' block for the front.  However, this was coming together nicely and I really didn't want to make another one ......

Those coloured stripes are tiny .....

Finally ready to piece together all the separate bits ....

Ta-da!  I was really happy with how this turned out.  If I did it again, there would be some things I would change and it was certainly a learning curve in paper piecing but for this quilt it will do.

And then with some borders added ...... I'm not sure I really like the borders but, having planned for borders, I hadn't left a large enough margin to do without, so they kind of have to stay.  Once quilted, they will be trimmed down quite a bit I think but at least it will stabilise the top whilst it is on my frame.

So that's it - my finish for Finish it up Friday over at Crazy Mom Quilts.  I haven't played along for a while now and I am looking forward to getting a cup of tea shortly and sitting down and visiting some of the other finishers this week! x


  1. What a lovely baby quilt, I'm loving the camera, it looks great. I like the green, works for boy or girl and practical too. Definitely a winner.

  2. I love the Grunge as background and I'm super impressed with the camera. Really fun quilt!

  3. Might I add that I have just spent a chunk of time reading your blog. Found you today via crazymomquilts. Thanks for all of your sharing and inspiration!

    1. Thanks Liz - I can't reply to you personally because you are a no-reply blogger! So glad you liked what you read and saw.

  4. I love your Polaroid quilt! Well done.

    1. Thanks Marcelle - I can't reply personally because you are set to a no-reply blogger!

  5. I love your Polaroid quilt! Well done.

  6. It looks brilliant! I live the camera block! How big did it finish?

  7. This looks great. I'm going to have to get that camera block pattern and make my own far I've only helped out with someone else's.

  8. Your Polaroid quilt is just spectacular and your camera block looks perfect!! Grunge! LOVE!! How lucky for you to have a store relatively close that sells the whole line, I'm so jealous!

  9. Very cute and I love the addition of the camera.

  10. How lovely to see this, loving the pics.... 😀😀 I think I have solved my no reply blogger issue....could you try replying to me? Huge thanks ... sue xx

  11. This is so fun. Your camera is perfect!

    1. Thanks Jen - I can't reply personally because you are a noreply-comment blogger!

  12. I love this! send it to me if you ever get tired of it!

    1. Thanks Tammy - I can't reply personally because you are a noreply-comment blogger!


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