Monday 30 January 2017

The Weekend - 28/29 January

It felt strange heading off for a workshop on Saturday when the girls were home from school, but I had booked on it before they decided to go to school.  One of my local club members had made a Swan Confetti Quilt which hung in our show last July and the workshop was to make one.


It is still at this rather precarious stage but I hope to get it quilted one day this week.

A new ripple blanket was started on Thursday and so the evenings were spent enjoyably working on this.  The evening lighting has really not shown the colours correctly.

And some baking was done - these are kumara (sweet potato), bacon and onion muffins and they were delicious.  The chocolate cup cakes, baked by my eldest, were very tasty too!

And then there was some post.  Two blocks for my month as Queen Bee of Stash Bee Hive 8 - one from a Hive mate and one from a Hive Crasher!  I still a couple of blocks to receive and then piecing this top is top of my list.  These blocks make me so happy and I am going to love, love, love this quilt!

I also managed to spend some time on EQ7 but that's for later! All in all a good, if busy weekend, the downside being my youngest has been off school today with a temperature and sore throat.  Although it has been rather pleasant to sit snuggled up with her this afternoon watching a film! x


  1. The swan quilt technique looks really intriguing. I hope your youngest feels much better soon.

  2. That looks amazing - I love how the swan is turning out!

  3. Wow, you have a lot of irons in the fire! I think your Stash quilt is going to be wonderful! I am really curious how you are going to quilt that swan.

  4. I agree with Yvonne, that confetti technique does indeed look intriguing! Very neat. I've been watching all your bee blocks; I can't wait to see your finished quilt!

  5. Love the swan! That's a very interesting technique. Hope your youngest is feeling better. The crud has made the rounds at our house and at work. Lots of people out of the office sick.


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I am so pleased to announce that my new website has been launched.  It's taken me some time to build and it's not all finished yet b...