Monday 22 February 2016

A heart update .....

46 heart blocks for Project Linus have tumbled through my letter box so far this February ....
These are from people I have connected with in quilting group on Facebook and through Instagram ....
You're not too late if you want to join in ... pop over here to see the details!

Since becoming a Project Linus co-ordinator I have been astounded by people's generosity.  If you are on Facebook head over to Project Linus - Warwickshire and see some of the lovely donations that have come my way.
Last week I had an enquiry from the Project Linus UK website and I arranged to meet the lady last Friday.  Just look at what she came with ....
5 finished quilts and 8 knitted blankets of various sizes!  Needless to say these had their PL labels sewn on that night and are now ready to be distributed.
I have also finished a heart .... My club's challenge in the New Year was My Secret Valentine and I made one for myself whilst I was making for my partner.

And just because I am rather pleased with the quilting, here are some close ups!


And yet more heart related quilting .... I am very excited to be working on this heart top again.  It's been a UFO for so long that it's great it has reverted to a WIP.  It was started all the way back here and is now rather well travelled.  Hopefully I will get the right quilting thread tomorrow and then it will be on my frame by the end of the week - fingers crossed!

I needed to piece the backing - I didn't realise that in the process I would almost make another quilt!

Phew - that's it for today! x

1 comment:

  1. Such a lovely collection of heart blocks for the quilt - and the FMQ on your purple heart mini is just beautiful!


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I am so pleased to announce that my new website has been launched.  It's taken me some time to build and it's not all finished yet b...