Thursday 30 June 2016

A bean bag .....

It is as the title says ... a bean bag!  

Although I have to admit it has been a long time coming.  I used the tutorial over at Project Nursery that promises you a bean bag in 30 minutes ..... and it actually does only take 30 minutes - it's wonderful.  So why oh why has it been on my to do list for sooooo long?!

I know it's not a very inspiring picture but my daughter, who is soon to be 12, was still in her pyjamas and did not want to get dressed and be in a picture!

Initially I made both daughters one each out of calico because I wasn't sure if they would be big enough for them or that they would actually use them.  My girls are 9 and 11 and tall and this pattern still works really well for them.  The fabric choice took a fair while and quite  a lot of negotiation!  The fabric ends up sideways and so a very obvious directional print would look funny .... to me, apparently not to my daughter.  So a compromise was reached because whilst this bird fabric is directional it does not scream at you that the birds are sideways.

So that is another finish from my 2016 FAL List - hooray.  The link ups for finishes opens today and runs for a week so I'll be sure to link up all my Quarter 2 finishes over the weekend. x


  1. I think you did well in the fabric negotiations ... it looks great! I'm going to save the link too, nothing better than a project that takes as long as it says it should :)

  2. Cute. My kids always loved the bean bags when they were younger.

  3. Love the fabric choice. :) I think I may need to make a couple of these.

  4. I suspect the zipper alone would take me 30 minutes :) It's a great looking bean bag! My little guy is still to young not to be trusted to unzip it and dump out all the filling, but I will file this away for down the road. I love the bird print!!

  5. What a fun project. It almost makes me wish there will still some young ones in the family so I'd ae a reason to make one.

  6. What a very cool project and I love that bird fabric. I think it was a great compromise.

  7. This is so cool. Now I want to make one too! You have one lucky daughter :) Congratulations on a wonderful finish! On behalf of the 2016 FAL hosts, thanks for playing along.

  8. Love the fabric choice, it looks like a win, win on both sides of the negotiation.


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