Friday 10 June 2016

#BraveQuilter for June

Having completed my challenge for May, I have decided to link up again in June to be a #BraveQuilter over with Julie at Pink Doxies.
My challenge:
I would like to try using a pantograph for quilting on my longarm quilting machine.  My goal is to quilt a Project Linus top, I have ready pieced, with the pantograph design that came with my machine (that is still in its plastic wrap!!) 
In other news .....
We have been collecting elderflowers to make cordial.  I love how it makes our kitchen smell of summer whilst it's steeping.  We generally have a bottle in the fridge straight away and then the rest gets frozen.  It's wonderful in the depths of winter to get a jar from the freezer and be reminded of these long summer days.  It's also a lovely drink to have a warm in winter.
I have had some lovely walks this week, whilst the girls are at various activities and yesterday I explored a part of the River Avon I have never visited.  I will definitely go back because I now need to know where the path leads ......

Last month I bought you ducklings, this month it is cygnets!



  1. So nice to hear your goal for June, and doubly nice that it will be a Linus Quilt. Also, I had to go google your elder flower. We have elderberries here, but never heard of making cordial with them. Also, I read that it's helpful used as a tea for flu. So interesting! You're reminding me to get my head out of the studio and into nature this weekend. Thank you for that, and glad you've linked up.

    Julie @ Pink Doxies

  2. Oh, those babies are precious! Can't wait to hear where the path leads. ;)

  3. So glad to hear you're doing Brave Quilter! Me too, as soon as I get my post done I'll link up. Those cygnets are so beautiful! Can't wait to see where the path leads.

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing your quilt finished with the pantograph.

  5. Good luck with the pantograph- sure you'll be fine. And elderflower cordial - yum!

  6. Good for you for trying something challenging. I hope you have an easy success with your pantograph -- that it isn't as hard as you think it will be.

    I follow another blogger from England (Ericka Eckles) who wrote about elder flowers this past week, too. When I was a child my mom took us kids to collect elderberries to make elderberry jam, but we never collected elder flowers. I would love to find some and try the recipes you and Ericka suggest. They look beautiful. And little cygnets are too cute!
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  7. Good luck with your brave quilter goal for June. Looks like you found a great place to walk. Beautiful photos.

  8. Good luck with this technique! A long arm - where on earth do you keep it?


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