Wednesday 8 June 2016

A bit of this and that ....

Well there's not been much sewing going on around here these last few days because the sun has come out and so we've headed outdoors.
Today involved using a very different machine for me ....

which gave us this ........

Still some way off filling this little area with wood but, whilst I am sweltering in the heat and humidity doing this, I know I will be very pleased when we have a lovely large woodpile come the end of September!
Also in the garden are some self sown hollyhocks.  I am not sure how they got into the garden but I am so glad they did, and so glad I was there last year, before they had flowered, when my husband was going to rip them out not knowing what they were.
The little sewing that has been done includes one project that was started and finished.  Whilst I am not over the moon with it, a finish is a finish ..... but I'm saving that for Friday because I doubt I will have another finish before then!  The other items were little scrap blocks, which I will be swapping in the #ukscrapblockswap.

Looking at the photo now they appear kind of wonky .... let me assure you they are all 6 1/2" squares which was what was asked for!

Quite a lot of our time has also been spent with my brother and his wife's new puppy ....

Linking up to Let's Bee Social today, and if you head over and see some of the other people taking part I guarantee you will see a lot more sewing than on here!! x


  1. Very lovely. That wood-splitter thing looks like serious business. Do you use any special process or tutorial when creating your scrappy swap blocks?

  2. Great colors on your scrappy blocks! Your foxgloves are so pretty too, they look similar to the ones in my garden.

  3. So nice to see these outdoor pictures, and the cute puppy pictures. Those are very nice scrap blocks as well.

  4. Even without a full post of sewing, you have beautiful flowers, colorful blocks and the cutest puppy ever! How could you go wrong?? And that full woodshed warms a country girls heart. Love it!

  5. The scrappy blocks are very nice and the puppy is so cute!

  6. Cool way to split wood: we just have a sharp axe but this looks much more fun.

  7. Good luck filling your wood shed, that's going to be a bit chore! Love your bright scrappy blocks. Hope you get in more stitching time this week.


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I am so pleased to announce that my new website has been launched.  It's taken me some time to build and it's not all finished yet b...