Friday 17 June 2016

The House Quilt ....

Last year at the Festival of Quilts I picked up some of the house blocks that were donated to the Project Linus stand.  They have been on my FAL list a fair few times but I was determined that this quarter they were going to be finished.
I pieced them together with some other donated star blocks and broke it up with some plain green squares.  It finished at approx. 36" x 36".

I had my second attempt using a pantograph on my longarm machine and I have to say it didn't feel quite so strange this time!  Further to comments from my last post about pantographs, a friends is sending me 3 pantos in designs that I actually like, which will make the process more enjoyable!  I have a couple of tops which I will try them out on and of course I will report back my findings here!

 The quilting is definitely smoother this time and I am quite pleased with the result.

So I am finally managing to tick items of my list this quarter - 12 done from 25.  In fact it's been a finish a day this week over here - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thrusday - phew!  I think that qualifies me to link up to Finish it up Friday this week!


  1. This looks awesome! I love the variegated thread and those star blocks!

  2. You have been quite a busy little bee this week. Congrats on all the finishes. I'm sure the more you use the pantographs the more you will like using them.

  3. Nice job on finishing 12 of 25! Woo-hoo! Way to go!

  4. Wow that's a lot of finishes, congrats! And Lovely quilting! My machine quilting is limited to straight-line only, kinda boring! Using the longarm add heaps more variety & fun!

  5. Those houses are precious! Great job on the quilting! ☺️

  6. You are doing a great job of finishing all these Project Linus quilts (and a 2nd go at a pantograph too!) Keep it up. :-)

  7. A very fun quilt. That doggie in the one house block is going to favorite with some little one. Congrats on all the finishes this quarter.

  8. What a great feeling to have so many finishes! Way to go, Abigail! I was wondering if you have the patterns or know where I can find the pattern for the cute little house block with the tree. I love that!

  9. It looks lovely! Congratulations on the finish and thank you for participating in the 2016FAL, on behalf of all the hosts!

    P.S. 12 finishes? Wow!!


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