Sunday 25 September 2016

A week of finished - Day 2 :: Project Linus Christmas

Earlier in the year I received a box full of goodies for Project Linus.  One of the items was this top, already pieced, just waiting to be quilted.

This project has been on my list since January but at last it is done!!

A simple stipple in red Glide thread finished it off nicely.  I have some more Christmas tops to piece together .... hopefully in time for this Christmas!!

This is my second finish on my 2016 Finish Along Quarter 3 list  (Number 7 on the list)


  1. Congrats on another finish. This one turns out to be well-timed too.

  2. Making progress! Great to see another one done on your list!

  3. Congratulations on another finish. Someone will be happy to have it this Christmas.

  4. What a sweet finish and just in time for the upcoming holiday season. I'm sure someone is going to deeply appreciate receiving it.

  5. Crossing things off the list always feels good. This is a cute little finish right before the holidays.

  6. This is going to make a little one very happy! Congratulations on your finish, and thank you, on behalf of the 2016 global FAL hosts, for taking part!


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