Tuesday 13 September 2016

The newest addition to the family ....

Trying desperately to get back into the rhythm of blogging I have found this draft post from the first week in August ...... not quite sure why I didn't post then but here it is for you today!

Saturday saw the village Flower Show being held in my childhood village.  We all love entering the classes, but this year I was running really late with making some of them.  By Friday afternoon I still didn't have anything for the Hand Made Toy class.  I have made plenty of toys in the past but entries are supposed to have been made within the last 12 months.

What could I make in an evening - even if it was going to be a late night?  The answer was 'Steve - the Cat' from Denyse Schmidts book ......

I started straight after dinner was cleared away and I was at this stage in 2 hours - which was very pleasing.

I emptied my pin cushion whilst pinning front to back ..

Every discerning cat has to have a collar and so I found some lovely velvet ribbon, a blue bell and got out my press fastener tool - easy peasy.  2 hours and 50 minutes the newest addition to the family weighed in at 6 1/4oz!

His first outing was to the Show, where he laid, rather nervously, awaiting judgement!!

Making friends with Poppy (on the left) and Tom (on the right).  Can you tell the older two have been rather well loved?!!  Also what makes me laugh is that 7 years ago when I made Poppy she took me all day; 6 months later Tom took half a day; and Leo (his name from his new owner - my youngest daughter) took under 3 hours!  My daughter was sooo quick to claim him, which considering she's soon to be 10, is a triumph.  I'm not sure how long I have left of them wanting mama-made.

Our real cat, Smiggle, had to check it all out ....

And just because!

Edited to add:  Leo was very proud to come away with a First in the class (as was his maker!)

Going to link up to Fabric Tuesday at Quilt Story and Let's Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts x


  1. Leo looks very sociable probably because he is so cute.

  2. What a wonderful trio. I live in the states. Two years ago I was in Stratford upon Avon on my way to the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham. I joined in London with quilters (and some had a friend/spouse) mostly from the states and at least one from Australia. We did some touring before arriving at our grand finale at Birmingham. My paternal grandfather came to America by himself when he was 18. He went to school at Stratford upon Avon. So went I saw this tour, I wanted to go with my English roots. I felt like I was going home without ever having been there. You certainly have come a long way in shortening your time to make a stuffed cat. Leo is adorable and obviously worthy of a First Prize. Congratulations on your job well done.

  3. Congratulations on your new addition. I love Leo.

  4. So cute!! I love the fabrics and buttons you used on the kitty!


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